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I Brazil-Germany International Conference: circulation, exchange, contact zones

The conference coincides with the bicentennial of German immigration to Southern Brazil and will address the complex relations between the two countries. Twenty-four researchers from Brazil, Germany, Spain, Israel, and Italy will come together to discuss topics such as ecology, vectors, health and the climate crisis, natural and social sciences, wars, refugees, and methodologies involving archives from both sides of the Atlantic.

¡Conozca a los invitados internacionales del evento del 30° aniversario de HCS-Manguinhos!

El evento cuenta con dos invitados internacionales: Vivette García, editora de la Revista Tapuya y profesora en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y José Ragas, profesor en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Open Science and Scientific Journals in the Humanities

In 2024, the Journal História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos completes 30 years of uninterrupted publication, and, to celebrate them, we have prepared a special seminar to discuss important aspects of scientific publishing, such as open science, journal evaluation, and science communication.

From the “dirty port” to the Disinfection Service of the Port of Rio de Janeiro (1893-1911)

This article, recently published in HoST— Journal of History of Science and Technology— demonstrates how sanitation was one of the many issues that led to heavy opposition to the operation of the Port of Rio de Janeiro at the end of the nineteenth century.

El cuerpo como espejo de la desigualdad en México (1950-2000)

Este trabajo examina cómo las variaciones en la estatura y la salud de los mexicanos son un reflejo de la evolución de la desigualdad económica.

Intervencionismo obstétrico en Uruguay, 1920-1940

En el artículo Intervencionismo obstétrico y maternalización de las mujeres en la atención del parto en Uruguay, 1920-1940, la investigadora Natalia Magnone de la Universidad de la República del Uruguay aportó nuevas miradas para entender por qué el modelo de asistencia al parto es intervencionista sobre los cuerpos de las personas gestantes.